Monday, August 27, 2012

Needle-Felted Flowers: Fun and fast

Needle-felted flowers  are fun to and easy to make. I use them for a variety of things: package decorations, additions to knitted items, pillows, wall or door hangings and pins.  They take 15-20 minutes each to make and I can make a lot of them for a pretty project (you can take longer to make a more "finished" product, but I like the folksy appeal...and it is easy!)

Start with making a loop in a colorful length of wool and lightly needle it into place:

Continue this process until you have 5 loops, all lightly needled into place:

Firm up the form a bit, and add a contrasting center (sorry these photos are sort of dark- I tend to needle-felt in the evening.  The petals are peachy yellow, the center sunny yellow):
I attached some "leaves" and a pin to the back of flowers to make pins; also I do this if I attach it to an item for which the flowers need to be removed before washing:
Until next time, I'll be needlin' around!

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